Friday, March 17, 2006

being alone ain't all that bad

it's 2am now, uk time. so that makes it effectively 17th march 2006. so this doesn't count as 2 posts in one day right? alright, stupid comment.
moving along. something occured to me today. it struck me as i was looking around at the students in my college. so many of the couples don't even look compatible together. i don't mean that they don't look good together. cos they do. they both look great, absolutely gorgeous beings. but i can just sense they're not that into each other. only 2 reasons for that.
1. they've been together so long that they're already so comfortable with each other and the passion in their relationship has almost/completely fizzled out
or 2. they're together cos they're afraid of being alone.
and the latter got me thinking. is being alone that difficult? is being alone that bad? this makes being single seem like a sin.
from my point of view, being single isn't THAT bad. well, u have ur stormy days. but it's also pretty ok. i mean, u don't have to handle all the problems couples have, for one thing. sure, the feeling of love is great and all. but what if that goes? what will u be left with? will u be left crawling on the ground, scrounging around for what's left of your dignity? or will u be left with ur dignity intact and leave the other picking up the pieces of their heart?
anyways, back to the point. people are so afraid of being alone that even if they have totally no feeling for the other person, they agree to hook up. where's the fun in that? it'll be so one-sided.
guess u can fake it. but what satisfaction does that give u? is it possible to actually learn to love a person gradually over time?
from my observation, some couples in my college are so not for each other. i mean, imagine this. (this is true, by the way. i noticed a couple in the library today. see, no wonder i am not concentrating on business notes huh? so much more interesting stuff going around me than maslow's hierachy of needs. haha!) the guy is a hot dude and the girl is fugly. i mean, REALLY fugly. i'm no stunning beauty, but seriously. anyway, the girl is fawning over him like some kind of leech. and the guy couldn't give a damn at all about her! she was talking a mile away for at least 15 minutes and the guy was flipping through a magazine the whole time! he wasn't even paying attention to her! then she got kinda irritated and asked, "Are u even listening to me?" and (get this, this is the best part!) he went, "What?" and pulled the earphone of his ipod out of his left ear. (she was sitting on his right) hahahaha! i wanted to burst out with laughter at the expression on fugly's face. it was priceless! and the guy just got up with a laissez-faire expression on his face and said, "i gotta go for class now. see u later." in a dull tone, plugged his earphones back in his ears and slouched off. felt kinda sorry for fugly then. she looked like she was gonna start bawling away in the middle of the graveyard quiet of the library. i swear the books were tearing themselves out at the spine over her sad, sad situation.
the point is, this guy's friend is also attached. now that is a match made in heaven. the couple is beautiful beyond words. they were a couple even before they came to this college. apparently, the girl's parents sent her here and when her boyfriend heard, he also enrolled into this college. now that's love, man. of course he's also super loaded, hence the ability to uproot from wherever he was and join her. so fugly's guy hooks up with her only because his friend is happily attached and he thinks he can achieve the same high with fugly. unfortunately, that is so not the case. he doesn't even give her the time of day. well, all the best to them. wanna bet how long this relationship's gonna last? face the facts. he is so not into her. one thing i've learnt, love is a force of nature (quote courtesy of brokeback mountain) and there's no use fighting it. u just cannot force someone to love u against their will. it just will not work. and vice versa.
alright, gonna go right now. eyes closing already. by the way, thanks for the song, mei ying. u guys, go see my current playlist. haha. great song. it's on repeat. makes me feel all nice and warm inside. and a bit sad too. ok, really must go now. adios.


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