Saturday, March 18, 2006

spread the love

"why are people so cruel?" "hatred. insanity. i don't know." that was an exchange between two men in the film Hotel Rwanda. yes, that is extremely true.
i just returned from watching a truly inspiring film. it certainly touched a chord with me. as usual, tears really couldn't be helped. it filled me with such sadness and emotion. i believe i have written on this topic in yesterday's post, but allow me to unload again.
why must there be racial discrimination? if only we could have racial harmony in this world, it would be a much better place. peace would reign. no fighting, no wars, no petty arguments over who's right and who's wrong. why can't we ever learn to love our neighbours? god made us all equal beings. aren't we all the same? don't we have the same two eyes, the same four limbs, the same organs? don't we all breathe in the same air? don't we all have the same beating heart? we are all god's children. why can't our hearts beat as one, and learn to love each other? racial discrimination is cruel and stupid. really, it is. why can't people see that?
so, people, love your neighbours. spread the love. pass it on.
then there won't be so much hatred in this world.


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