Wednesday, March 22, 2006

my longest post to date...

Tired. So tired today. Well, with only 3 hours of sleep, what else can I expect huh? Woke up today feeling totally zombified. My eyebags have quadrupled in size and darkened like the thunderclouds that hang over cheery ol' London these few days. At least i'll fall asleep pretty easy tonight. Yeah, right.

I went to Deptford to get my shoes repaired today. Thanks to the fact that I have almost zero girlfriends to hang out with now (because of three people whose names I shall not mention) and those that I'm actually friendly with all have class in the morning when I don't (because of the fucked up college people who arrange the timetables), I had to endure a whole freakin' hour of absolute mind-numbing, eyeball-popping, brain-squishing, blood-sucking, hair-raising, limb-tearing, nail-clawing hour with a totally brainless, humourless, unintellectual, uninteresting excuse of a male specimen. Can u say fugly?! This guy totally takes the top prize for Loser of the Year! I can just hear everyone asking now, "Then why'd u choose to hang out with him?" That's just it! I DON'T! This fruitcake constantly, and i do mean constantly, comes to me! And I am such a nice person, I couldn't hurt a fly! I couldn't be so mean to people who were nice to me in the first place. But seriously, this guy keeps coming on to me. I wish I had a boyfriend. Here are 3 reasons why:

1. I can tell the guy to back off cos I'm already off the market! (Woohoo! Boy, what I wouldn't give to actually be able to say that!)

2. I can tell my boyfriend that LOTY is hitting on me and my bf will then proceed to tear and rip his wussy little body to shreds.

3. If I had a boyfriend, I wouldn't need to be seen in public with this fruit basket cos i'd have my boyfriend to call out.

See what I mean by "I HATE BEING SINGLE"? Don't even try talking me out of this.

So anyways, this guy is just totally horrendous and what actually makes it all the more funny (for me) and worse (also for me), is that he is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, INCREDULOUSLY CLUELESS!!!!! I mean, how much can I hint that I am so not interested in u fugly little puny ass?! We're walking back to the school right? And we're taking the church path and there he is telling some stupid ass story about a monk and some kid and his mute grandma. I kid u not. And I was totally not listening! (the big, fat crows in the leafless trees were so much more interesting) (trust me, it was BAD.) And in the end he asked a question (which I didn't hear). (At this point, my eyes were already glazed over.) I didn't hear it right? So I didn't reply. Then suddenly i realised that it was quiet. I was about to jump around and shout "Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!" in sheer and utter unbridled joy, when he started all over again. By this time, we'd reached the traffic light near the college. Now, this traffic junction is my bane. It is the slowest light to turn green and the fastest one to turn red. So I unintentionally interrupted his speech on God-only-knows-what-the-fuck-he-was-yabbering-about and said, "For the love of God, turn green NOW!". And then I realised that I'd just blurted that out aloud. So as not to appear like a total meanie, I said, "Uh, cos it's so cold, y'know?" And will u believe it, he agreed with me, paused for awhile, and looked me over once. (I swear, even though I was pretty warm under my new Dorothy Perkins jacket, which, by the way, is really cool, goose pimples started to crawl all over my body.) I mean, I felt that I was being molested! It was GROSS!!!!! And then he said, "You should wear more clothes, u noe. Like my jacket." WTFH! His jacket looks like a reject from the Salvation Army Charity Store!

I know some of u out there are probably saying, "Why are u so mean?! Give this guy a chance! He sounds pretty nice! And he can't be all that bad right?" U can all fucking kiss my ass. Before u judge me, allow me to indulge u in some lovely, lovely thoughts of what this guy looks like. He's taller than me (Duh. I know I'm short. So bite me.), pretty puny body (He tells me he goes to the gym. I am not fooled.) and no fashion sense whatsoever (I mean, a green tee over a red long-sleeved tee. What, is it Christmas already again? And always the same ratty pair of jeans everyday! I know u can wear the same pair of jeans everyday and supposedly no one will notice. But some people do! The very least u could do is interchange the pairs u have everyday!). He doesn't take care of his skin at all! (His lips are cracked and sore to the point of almost bleeding, his face is like peeling and his hands are bone dry and cracked. Hello?! Ever heard of face lotion and chapstick?!) He doesn't shave sometimes, so there are long (and i mean LONG), straggly hairs poking out from his chin, that hint of stubble on the sides of his face, (which can be really sexy on some men but DEFINITELY NOT on him) and the moustache on top of his mouth.

Digressing a little here, I saw this Turkish/Russian/Kazhakstan/Ubekhistan guy who has a goatee (which is not what our friend has here. a PROPER goatee.), well-kept, well-groomed. HOT, HOT, HOT, man. kudos to Turkish/etc guy! Now why couldn't he have been the one to have the hots for me, not Mr. I-don't-give-a-shit-about-my-looks-cos-it's-natural-baby? Huh, HUH, HUH?!

Wait, I'm not finished. I'm sorry if I am boring u poor, poor people with this endless deluge of complaints.

Mr. Loser here thinks that he is God's gift to women (or the world). He seriously needs an ego check. I think he might just explode from sheer delight that he's such a total bombshell! (pun intended. haha!) Man, this guy is such a joke! He is so obnoxious that he's totally oblivious to the insults people throw to him. Some random guy who lives in my residence block said LOTY (Loser of the Year) acts gay and probably is too. I WHOLEHEARTEDLY AGREE. I have nothing against gay fellows. (I love Brokeback Mountain. Brilliant film.) If this guy looked anything close to Jake Gyllenhaal (who is a total hottie) or Heath Ledger (an absolute gorgeous hunk 'o burnin' love), sheesh! I wouldn't be here complaining my ass off already. LOTY is so gay he doesn't realise it himself. (You kinda have to be here to see how funny it gets. I laugh my ass off EVERY SINGLE TIME. I am not joking.)

Plus, he makes really weird comments or exclaimations. No, not weird like English comments, like "Cheers, mate!" which means a whole lotta things. (LOTY is a chinese by the way, so i'm not being racist here. hah!) That can mean "Thanks, friend!" or "Thanks, and have a great day ahead!", et cetera. No, he makes weird exclaimations like, "Ah dui!" WHAT THE FUCK IS "AH DUI"?! That's like the sound that dried-up, prune-textured aunties who go to the wet market everyday to gossip and inhale the fresh, pure scent of raw fish, chicken and pork make when they bang into something. THEY go, "Ah dui!". NO EXCUSE FOR THIS ONE, MAN.


Shitters. This entry is so long and I haven't even started about the film fest my college's media students had. Oh wells. U guys have more to read then! Haha!

Well, as I mentioned above, my college's media students held a film fest today. I saw some really cool short films. Most were great, but some were totally crappy. The media students did short films as their coursework. (Lucky bastards. No exams for them this term.) Some of my friends were the stars in the films. They also aired a short film that a group of Russians did during their own free time. It's called Invalid and it's Russian. I guess u could call it a foreign short film then. It had 3 stories in the film. One was of this quiet, shy girl who secretly liked this popular guy, who also secretly liked her back, but he was already attached to one of the popular girls. This popular girl had a deep, dark secret: her brother was a druggy! muahahahaha! the guy who acted the druggy looked totally drug-free, rosy cheeks and all. So not realistic. Anyways, this popular girl has a best friend who is a model. The story is as follows:

One day, quiet girl is in the library, scanning books on the shelf, and who should be directly opposite her looking at books too! The camera zooms in on the girl pretending to look at the book titles when all she's doing is sneaking peeks at the guy. Then the camera cuts to the boy who's doing exactly the same. Then, Little Miss Popular and her best friend come into the library. She bangs into Quiet Girl and she falls to the ground. Popular girl barely glances at her and immediately leeches herself to her boyfriend who just gave QG a cold stare. Camera zooms in on QG glancing up at Mr Popular hopefully.

QG now heads to the park and sits on the grass with her notebook, doodling dreamily. Incidentally, Popular girl's model best friend is about to have a photoshoot at that exact same park. (Ironic huh?) Photographer gets there early and takes some random shots of the park and it's surroundings. It so happens that the photographer snaps a picture of QG stretching slowly with a smile on her face, which makes her really pretty, which I guess is a key point in the film, cos she doesn't smile at all throughout the rest of the film.
Now, model girl leaves popular girl after she asks mr popular for moolah. Then cut to the school counsellor who counsels popular girl who tells her her parents died when she was young and that her brother is a druggy.

Councellor: "Do you have any friends?"
Ms Popular: "Yeah, of course. I have my best friends."
Councellor: "Why do you think they're your best friends?"
Ms Popular: "Because they won't betray you."

Then another counselling session, this time with QG. She confesses her secret love for Mr Popular and that he doesn't care for her.
Counsellor: "Then you must end it." What kinda crap advice is that?
QG nods sadly: "Yes, I must end it."

Cut back to model girl. She's prepping for her shoot and her makeup artist brushes on some non-existent powder on her cheeks. She holds a mirror and admires her. Photographer yells at her to hurry and she turns around so quickly and suddenly that she drops the mirror, which shatters to a million pieces. (GASP!) (The director of the film made a really big deal out of the mirror falling and breaking.)

Now, cut back to a very dark room. A shadow sits on the bed, curled up in pain, misery and inner demons. It's the druggy brother, held tight in the claws of drug addiction! The good sister rushes in with the money her loving boyfriend gave her on the pretext of her love of shopping. Druggy then goes out, looking all spright and with a lovely grey hoodie that I am positive all drug addicts will be sure to wear. He exchanges the money with some guy for drugs. (Duh.)

Cut now to the model girl. After her shoot, she's rushing to meet up with her friends. Talking on the cellphone, she crosses the road. And guess what happens? Yup, she kena langa by car. (Only we don't get to see the actual langa-ing, but we hear tires screeching and a piercing scream and the screen goes black.) So I guess bad luck catches up on u. (remember the broken mirror?)

Back to the druggy brother. (This part is good. The director did all the proper research. LOL.) He's administering the drugs now via injection. He tightens the belt on his arm, slaps his arm abit and the camera closes up on his face, full of concentration and determination to get to the ultimate high. (This part is now abit sucky.) After the injection, he got high a tad to fast. Drugs act fast when directly injected into the bloodstream, but not THAT fast. This guy took all of 3 seconds to get high. Hahaha. The guy collapses onto the floor, obviously due to an OD. Popular girl enters and runs to his side, calling his name hysterically, finally dissolving into tears. (Ever heard of 911, girl?)

Cut to the quiet girl. She's in her room, also in semi darkness, and she has photos of the guy pinned up. She writes a note, ending with "I love you, I love you, I love you..." and pins that up too. Then she downs a handful of sleeping pills and after awhile she heads to the shower, turns on the water and slides down to her knees.

Back to model girl. She's lying in bed, supposedly crying (she was looking pathetic and was sniffling like anything), looking at the newspaper. Apparently, she's out of danger but will never be able to model again. But, the newspaper proclaims, that is ok, because of another new rising star (some unpronouncable Russian girl's name). The popular girl comes in but leaves shortly to get her friend some water. In comes the boy, and he tries to console the model girl, but she snaps at him and tells him to care about himself and his girlfriend first. She then reveals her best friend's secret (the druggy brother) to the boy.

Mr Popular leaves the room in a storming rage, banging the walls. Finally he bangs on a door of a flat, which so happens to be QG's room. He enters without permission (no more privacy nowadays!). The bathroom door is open and from our view, the girl is lying motionless on the floor of the shower. He pushes the door close. (Everyone laughed at this part.) He notices his pictures and the note pinned on the board. He sees the pills and pieces everything together. He opens the bathroom door slowly, only to find his love soaking wet, possibly already dead. Instead of calling any emergency numbers to get help, he bolts out the door, down the stairs and out into the streets, finally collapsing into a heap.

Like, what the hell right? So anticlimax. Hahahaha. One thing's for sure, though. Russians don't have emergency numbers. The number of people who could be saved if they only knew the three magic numbers: 9-1-1. Haha.

Well, guess that's art for u, huh? Hahaha. It was pretty good, considering these people haven't shot any films before.

Ok, enough. My fingers are numb with cold already. (The radiator in my room switches off automatically every 2 hours. What's the use, I ask u?) I've been typing for over an hour. See how much I sacrifice? Be thankful. Hahaha.

Enough, no more. T'was not as sweet as before.
Good God. I still remember my Sec 4 Literature. Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare, if anyone's curious.


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