Friday, May 26, 2006

waking from a dream

Sometimes I feel like blogging, and then all of a sudden, when I'm sitting with the empty post to fill, I realise I don't really have anything of substance to write about. Do u guys get that feeling?

Well, no school today, so I slept in. It's been a long, tiring week. Sigh. Finally managed to pull myself out from under the nice, warm, cozy covers at 12.50pm. When I realised I had to meet Liwen and Lavinia to go to the supermarket. So I had to scurry like anything. I didn't even have time to comb my hair! Not that it mattered. Weather was erratic like hell today. My hair got all mussed up the second I walked out the door.

My kitchen cupboards are now fully stocked. My stomach's pretty full too. But somehow, I'm not satisfied. I can't exactly put a finger on what the problem is. It's this nagging feeling knawing away at the pit of my stomach.

It's like waking up from a really great dream and u try to force urself to recall what that dream was and all the emotions that u felt during that dream, so that u get to experience all those wonderful feelings again and so that u can remember what made u feel like that. But u simply just can't remember what that dream was. I guess that's pretty much how I'm feeling right now. I've been living in this dream world, this fantasy land. And suddenly, I'm forced to remember that the real world is still out there. The big, bad, ugly world.

U're a dream come true. But I have this feeling that u're one of those dreams that I mentioned above.

And I'm not gonna like it very much when it's time to wake up.


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