Friday, July 28, 2006


As promised, here come the boat party photos. More will follow, but just these for now.

Tower Bridge.
Tower Bridge illuminated.
Yusuke, me, Liwen, Lavinia and Adale.
Adale and me.
My three favourite guys in class, Faik, Adil and Yusuke!
More will come. I promise. That bitch of a friend I have hasn't taken the photos out of her camera yet. Can anyone be anymore lazy?! I mean, the boat party was last fucking week! So unbelievable!
I'm still coughing up phlegm. Disgusting. Thankfully, no more fever.
The heatwave in UK is making things hot. Hot, hot, HOT!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have been tagged.......See my last blog post for details..

Kelvin Bro

6:50 AM  

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