Thursday, July 20, 2006


I've been watching the OC. Great show by the way. Well, haven't been updating for some time now, so here goes.

Things have been hectic, so much so that I've been getting tired really early in the evenings. I'm trying to start on a new diet and incorporate exercise intor my daily routine, but as u guys already know, not working out so good for me.

Yesterday, I went to the club with a couple of guys. You know, the usual. Vodka lime definitely makes people loosen up and dance, even when they obviously don't like dancing. Something I won't ever do. Again. Huh. Well, I'll upload some pictures soon. Promise. It's super late now and I'm tired.

Ok, fine. I'm watching yet another episode of the OC. Haha.

Much as I would love that my relationship with him is like that of Summer's and Seth Cohen's, it's just too good to be true. True enough, we've become much closer ever since I told him last week. It's like we've become almost best friends.

I need to study. I need to go shopping. Sigh.


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