Friday, July 07, 2006

A Pirate's Life for Me

I think it's every little kid's fantasy to be a pirate. Hell, I'd wanna be one too. Johnny Depp just personifies ur typical pirate with his usual spirit of fun and just a dash of humour. Add the cool clothes, the dreadlocks, the gold-capped teeth, and u've got a dream pirate.
As u all have probably assumed by now, I've just watched Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest.
One word will suffice.

For those who haven't watched the movie yet, close this window immediately if u don't want any spoilers. Don't say I didn't warn ya.

Where be Jack Sparrow?!
I'm sorry! Beggin' a thousand pardons, CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow.
Johnny Depp is ultimately the best, if not the ONLY, choice for this role, if u ask me. He is so gorgeous. Hot, hot hot! Nothing like a pirate to make a girl all hot and bothered! I'd gladly walk the plank for him! (Actually I won't, but I'm in a pirate-y sort of mood right now, so I thought that sentence would do nicely.)
And then there was Will Turner, played by the ever-gorgeous Orlando Bloom. (Anyone who even DARES to insult him will be lost to Davey Jones' locker.)
The scene where he had his shirt torn off by the scum on the Flying Dutchman, and Davey Jones, the captain, this weird looking creature with tentacles for a face, ordered him to be whipped by his own father (Remember the first movie? Will's father, Bootstrap Bill, was sent to the depths by the mutineers right? Well, father and son are not so happily reunited on the Flying Dutchman.), man, my heart was pounding so goddamn hard.
One, cos it literally hurt to see him be condemned to such torture (I know it's just acting. SHUT UP.), and two, cos of those rippling muscles. Ooh-la-la! Haha!
I really wanna reveal the ending! So another warning to people who have yet to see this spectacular show!
Too bad, if u don't heed the above warnings.
The beautiful Johnny Depp heroically draws his sword, saying a simple phrase (and I'm sure this will be a line that will go down in history.)...
" 'Ello beastie."
before he is guzzled up by the humongous sea creature with a ton of tentacles and a million (probably more) razor-sharp teeth. (I forgot what this creature's name is.)
I swear my heart almost stopped right there. I repeat, ALMOST. I don't think Captain Jack Sparrow will die so easily.
The ending was a shocker. Remember the mutinous Captain Barbossa in the first movie? He was shot by Jack in the end, right? Well, guess what?! The motherfucker's alive! (Ok, guess some of u should have seen that coming, huh?)
Well, I'd love to stay and chat more about this splendid addition to the Pirates of the Carribean set, but I'm afraid it has to wait until tomorrow. I'm knackered, pooped, utterly wiped out.
In the famed words of Captain Jack Sparrow himself...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

7:27 PM  

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