Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I found a new show to watch on youtube. Veronica Mars. I've never actually heard of it before, but it's pretty cool. I strongly suggest watching it. I don't know, maybe it helps that it was created by Rob Thomas? (the singer? Like I said, I don't know.)

Anyways, school's started again. New term, new me. Somehow it's just not so much of a "Wow!" for me. My timetable this term is pretty ok. I've got English 3, which basically consists of debates, extended essays and presentations.

Translation? More research that'll kill a gazillion more of my brain cells.

My eyes are about to pop out of my head already.

Cue smarmy teacher's voice. "Remember, kids, always rest ur eyes after 45 minutes of staring at the computer screen!"

I need a healthier diet. I'm growing fat and putting on weight. Sure, I'm not fat or overweight, but hell yeah, I'm going to if I don't watch what I eat.

From tomorrow onwards, no more chocolates, fizzy drinks or meals after 10pm.



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