Thursday, June 22, 2006


That does it. Life truly is ironic.

My parents are both accountants, and I totally suck at accounts.

Well, hopefully it's cos this is my first lesson. I really need to work hard on this damn subject. It's tough.

Today was a little boring. Me and a few of the other girls went to Greenwich Park to hang out and chat after school. The sun was nice and bright, so I took the opportunity to tan myself a little. I think I'm a little darker. Maybe.

My wishlist:
-Burberry London perfume (on sale! 25 freakin' pounds!)
-L'Oreal lipgloss
-Rimmel liquid eyeliner
-Dorothy Perkins clothes
-Topshop bag

Now all I need is rob a bank without receiving the perks of a jail cell and my wishes will come true! (Hah.)

I'm thinking of rewarding myself with just the perfume for doing well last term. And not going shopping at all. Must ponder 'bout that a little bit longer.

I've been watching Charmed on youtube. Man, I wish I had Phoebe's power of premonition. Gosh, it would be so cool to have powers like that. To quote Stephen Lynch (comedian), "Kids! If u could be a superhero, who would u be?" So, what powers would u absolutely love to have?

4 more days. Butterflies the size of triceratops are fluttering around inside my stomach. Actually, more like stomping around. Sigh.


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