Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Capital Punishment

I'm supposed to be researching for tomorrow's debate about capital punishment, aka the death penalty. I've kinda read some stuff on this controversial issue, but seriously, I have no idea where I stand on this particular topic.

On the one hand, I feel that it should be legal because u have these sicko freaks whose main aim in life is to cause people terror and harm in this world, and probably the only way to stop them from doing such insane acts is to either sentence them to life imprisonment or death.

However, with a life sentence, there's always a possibility of the psycho escaping (If u watch Prison Break, u'd know what I mean.). Plus, the government has to use resources to keep these animals locked up. And how does the government get these resources? By taxing the people heavily. Is that fair, I ask u? How'd u like to see 10% of ur hard-earned money funding a serial killer's jail cell, food and clothes?

On the other hand, I feel that the death penalty should be allowed to continue. I mean, a life for a life. However, I also think it should only be legalised if it's done in an ethical manner that does not overstep basic human rights. Basically, what I mean is that, if a prisoner is sentenced to death, then the sentence should be carried out in a manner that does not make him suffer too much or be humiliated in any way.

I'm so sleepy. Well, it's off to do more research. So boring.


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