Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Desperados and 11 days counting

Went to Desperados yesterday for drinks and supper with Adale, Yusuke and gang. So fun! Man, I'm really gonna miss everybody so much when I go home. 11 days more, by the way! :)

Well, anyways. Photos of yesterday first!

Dolly and I.
Yusuke, Adale, some guy from Syria and Hamzal.
Me and Yusuke.
Hamzal and Adale.
Hamzal and Dolly.
The dancefloor full of gyrating bodies.
Helena and Hamid. (This couple is so sweet! She's Russian, he's from Iran. But totally in love with each other. It's true love. U can tell when u see them together. Makes me wanna slit my wrists though.)
Me and Adale.
Me and Yukari. (She's pretty, huh? She's a Japanese girl I just met yesterday only, but we got along really well, and she's really sweet.)
Yukari and Dolly.
Me and Faik at Manan's place.
Faik, Zeki, Manan and Dolly.
Faik, Zeki and Manan.
Faik and Yusuke. I have no idea what these two bozos are doing.
Zeki and Yusuke.
Zeki, Faik and Yusuke.
Today, I had a mock Accounts exam. I hope I get a good score for it. I think I did ok. Well, we'll know on Wednesday. English presentation's finally over! Not to brag or anything, but I think I was the best in class. Hehe.
Can't wait for Friday to come. Finish up the Accounts exam, then just the weekend to study for my Economics exam on Monday, packing my stuff for storage on Tuesday and Wednesday, arrange for the collection on Thursday, and then I can look forward to shopping and then going home!
Ooh, dinner next Tueday with the class and my Math and IT teacher Aslan. Yay!
Ok, I have to go do my stupid English essay now. I MUST complete it by tomorrow, and then get it printed by Wednesday to have it handed in on Thursday. Lots to do! Ciao for now!


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