Saturday, August 05, 2006

List... and more...

Ok, I'm gonna do that stupid list that Kelvin (my little brother) made me do, only because I love him so much! Haha. It's just for fun. And cos I'm damn bored now.

1. I have this weird ritual when I brush my teeth. 20 times brushing downwards on the front, the right, then the left. Ditto for the bottom, only brushing upwards. Then brushing the molars for 5 seconds each side, down first, then up. (So sue me. I want my teeth to be clean.)

2. I have serious insomnia. I can go without sleep for 2 days on end.

3. I always check people out when I first meet them. For girls, it's feet. For guys, it's the butt. (BE WARNED PEOPLE! Muahahaha!)

4. I have this funny habit of licking the sides of my mouth. It's just something I do subconsciously, I think.

5. I like to listen to songs or watch movies that I like back to back until I get sick of them.

6. I like to carry all my shopping on my right arm, according to the order I went to each shop. (i.e. the bag I bought at the first store will be nearest to my body) It's this weird thing where I like people to see the stores I buy from. The most expensive bag will usually be on the outermost. (Fuck. I'm so materialistic.)


Best Friend : Bestie Tan Mei Ying (Hell, I give up ever thinking of a nickname for u.)

Crush: Some guy named Kenny in nursery school. (My god, I was an early developer huh!)

Movie: Bambi? On one of those lousy quality VHS video tapes. I remember the picture jumps.

Lie: Hmm. I remember this one. Haha. I got in trouble for it. I lied about eating a slice of cheese. (I hated cheese at that time, and my mom found out that I hadn't eaten it after all, cos she checked the rubbish bin. I made the fatal mistake of saying that I'd eaten it and thrown the plastic wrapper in the bin when my mom had only just taken out the trash.)


Cigarettes: I don't smoke. I did get someone to quit though. Hehe.

Drink: Water. Took an aspirin for my migraine.

Ride: One of London's smelly red double-deckers.

Movie: (watched at home) : Troy.
(watched in cinema) : Pirates of The Carribean: Dead Man's Chest

Phone: Sophy

CD: I don't buy CDs. I steal them from my brother.

Have you ever...

Dated one of your best friends: Nope.

Been Arrested: Nope.

Skinny-dipped: Nope. It's on my "Things to do before I die" list, though. :)

Been on TV?: Uh, maybe? Who knows?

Missed someone ya don't know: Ok, stupid question.


4 Things you did today: Put on makeup. Had a bowl of cereal before heading out. Had an iced Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks during a break in shopping in Central London. Practiced my presentation speech on racial discrimination.

4 sounds you can hear at this very moment: The Pussycat Dolls “Buttons”. My coughing. Irritants outside in the reception area. My desk chair creaking when I lean back.

Ok, done. I'm gonna be a good soul, and not sabotage anyone. Build up my karmic aura. And also because I can't think of 6 people to sabotage.

Instead, I shall upload photos of my day out in Central London.

The view outside the Starbucks on Bond Street.
Katie. I've turned yet another person into a lover of Starbucks' iced Caramel Macchiato.
Katie and I resting at Starbucks.
The one and only MOI!
The coffee-aroma filled Starbucks.
Interesting, huh? It's some woman dressed up to look like a sculpture.
The streets of Covent Garden are filled with buskers like this metallic gladiator.
There was this beautiful golden carousel. (Bloody people walked in front just as I snapped the picture. Idiots.)
Apple Market in Covent Garden. Like Singapore's Arab Street. Flea market. Full of junk. I took this picture whilst I was waiting for Katie to finish buying ridiculously priced chocolates at Thortons.
Taken in the middle of the street in Covent Garden.
And now, my buys! Worry not, all sale items only. Haha!
- Brown and pink tee with a bronze "Flirt" logo from Dorothy Perkins
- Black tee with red words "Pretty in Punk", also from Dorothy Perkins
- Grey cropped jacket from River Island
- Denim miniskirt from Mango
Don't you think this bag looks so cute? I think I like the bag more than what's inside. (Of course not!)
And at long last, the long-awaited photo from the boat party.
Finally my friend sent me the photo we took at the boat party. London Eye behind us!
And I'm spent. I'm gonna call it a day and go crash now. Tomorrow, work, work, work! Must!


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