Friday, March 24, 2006

touchy feely

I don't believe it! That does it. He wins. Hands down. He's the king. No competition. I give up. He should get an Academy Award. Loser of the Year, anyone? Holy shit. He really is completely clueless. Un-fucking-believable.

I was studying in the library today, minding my own goddamn business. And who should come along, but Mr. Brain-dead himself, in the flesh! Just my luck, huh? And of course, with the rotten streak of luck I've been having lately, he has to plonk himself RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!!! And, NO, he CANNOT TAKE A HINT! I moved my chair away from him and I even sat more towards the other side, far far away from him. My butt was like half off the chair already. Still he sat there, nonchalant like anything. What's he want me to do?! Stand on a chair and yell at the top of my lungs, "GO AWAY, SHITHEAD!!!"?! Seriously, man. And do something about that hair! Golden colour is only for Ah Bengs.

HE TOUCHED ME! He actually TOUCHED ME! ARGH!!! When he was going off (I was doing my best trying to ignoring him. If he actually used his brain abit, he'd have noticed MY MP3 EARPLUGS WERE JAMMED INTO MY EARS.), he tapped me on the shoulder. UGH!!!!! I felt a shiver go down my spine and my skin totally crawled. YUCK! It was totally GROSS! I mean, COME ON, MAN! Don't anyhow touch girls! We can shout molest or rape even when it didn't occur and you'd still be totally screwed! It's our word against yours!

So a warning to all guys out there: Unless the girl u're groping up is YOUR GIRLFRIEND, keep ur dirty paws off the fine female specimens around u.

Boat party tomorrow! Can't wait! Course, there'll be the darn exams first. I'll take lots of pictures at the boat party, so don't worry! U guys won't be missing out on much. Except the music. And the people. And the food. And the dancing. And the boat going up the River Thames. And the drinks. Oh, the drinks! Ah well. It's ok. U won't be missing out THAT much. Hahaha! That's all then. So long!


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