Tuesday, May 30, 2006

How to get a guy in X days

What makes a guy want a girl?
What keeps him hooked?
What makes him come back again and again, begging for more?

These are just some questions I shall attempt, ATTEMPT, mind u, to answer today in this entry. Some people may disagree with me, but I ask everyone who reads this post to do so with an open mind.

Ok. So let's get started!

Well, I feel that some guys wants a girl for something purely physical. Something about them unable to think with anything other than their libido once they see boobs or something. Boobs are just boobs, man. I mean, ur mom has them! Eww!

But there are some guys who want something more than just sex or making out or heavy petting. These are the special ones. They really connect with the girl they like/love. And I don't mean connect as in... Ok major gross image. I mean, there's something real, something really there, intellectually, spiritually, soulfully.

Then again, guys are just guys. They have this power within them to make girls weak at the knees and they will yield this power ruthlessly if they want to, to control the girl. Tell me I'm wrong. Girls, I'm sure u will agree with me on this. (Unless u're the self-deprecating, submissive, Mary Turner(haha!) type of girl.)

One thing that I feel is important for a girl is to be mysterious. Here's a case study.

See? The whole Brad Pitt-Angelina Jolie-Jennifer Aniston love triangle thing is such a good example. U can obviously see what Brad Pitt sees in Angelina. She's mysterious and hot and cool. The mystery part, is what gets him hooked. At least, that's what I think. Jennie's just too pure and innocent. U can read her like a book. Too easy.
There u go. Mystery is a definite plus factor. Agreed? No doubts about that. That's why Brad ran off into those perfectly toned biceps of Angelina's. Plus, she's into sado-masochism. I don't know, but maybe that's a turn on for some guys?
Ok. I'm tired. My eyes are closing as I type. Ok, end of post. I can't think straight already.
Yawn. It's off to the shower and then into my nice warm bed for me! Ciao!
Ooh! Lookin' forward to Thursday! Yay!


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5:49 PM  
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7:27 PM  

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