Friday, June 16, 2006


I'm a miserable S.O.B.

To take my mind off things, I now turn to comfort food.


Doritos Chips.

More chocolate.

Haagen Daaz vanilla ice cream.

Chocolate chip cookies.

Even more chocolate.

I'm contemplating whether to blog about the Nickelback music video today.

Nah. Not in the mood now. Maybe later tonight.

Just wanna put up my results which I got today. At least they're good.

Means that something else bad is gonna come my way. (Someone once told me that bad things come in threes.) So since the scare of him going with that mustard with a b counts as number 1, and him actually going back to his home and ditching our plan for Cambridge and leaving without a fucking word counts as a big fat number 2, then I guess I'm in for a huge number 3 to come along.

But u guys don't wanna hear that, do ya? So I'll just cut right to the chase.

English 2 - 89%
IT - 100% (Yes, ur eyes are fine. I thought mine were cock-eyed too when I saw this figure.)
British Culture - 91%
Economics 1 - 70% (YEAH!!! *pumps fist in air*)

I wonder what he got? Not that I'm a busybody or what, but I'd really like to know what grade he got for Economics, seeing as how I tutored him and all. Sort of.

I have got to stop moping. It's not healthy. After all, he'll be back in just a week.

It's only 7 days.

168 hours.

10, 080 minutes.

604, 800 seconds.

All to be spent without him.



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