Monday, August 28, 2006


Things have been happening real fast. This is especially the case when u're not around to witness the changes. Having been away from home for 5 months, people start to change. Recently, someone really close to me came out about being gay. For this, I am immensely proud. It takes guts to come clean. (Although it could very well just be a phase, well, we're just gonna have to wait and see.)

I'm sorely disappointed and unhappy with something someone said the other day. Luckily, only I was there to hear those disgusting words.

We were talking, and somehow, the conversation turned to homosexuals. Now, don't get me wrong. I have no particular prejudice against gays or lesbians. In my humble opinion, they're just normal people born in a certain way that is slightly different, in that they choose to love or be with people of the same sex. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. But the person I was with is like a staunch Catholic (no offence to any Catholics who are ok with gay people), who believes that homosexuals are unnatural occurences. I was really upset. I so much wanted to spill out the secret I was carrying, but since it wasn't my secret to tell, it was all I could do to bite my tongue and keep quiet.

Even when that person spoke the words that would hurt the other person in question ALOT.

"They're freaks!"

My mind was in turmoil. How could she say that?!

So I asked, what if it were a friend? A really close friend? And that person replied, well then u stay far far away from that person. Distance urself.

I was so mad, I actually clenched my fist. I didn't realise how tightly I'd clenched it, until my palm started to hurt from my fingernails digging into my flesh.



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