Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I was walking around school with my Singaporean friend today during the break in English class and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed this totally hot guy walk up the stairs to the library. So I commented, "Wow, that guy's cute, huh." My friend looked at me and said, "Why u always like that type of guy one ah?" (Yup. She talks proper Singlish.)

Her statement got me thinking. What kind of guy do I like anyway?


I like the emo kind, I guess. The broody, moody look always makes my heart melt. Haha! Doesn't matter what hair colour he has. The eyes? Preferably blue/green/grey/hazel. Best for him to have a good complexion too. Oh, and no way can he be skinny or fat. Must be sort of in between. Would be even sweeter if he had a six-pack to show off. :) Oh yeah, and I like the boyish sort, look like small boy that kind, y'know? That set's my heart a-thumpin' too. Haha. Oh, and I like guys who take good care of their appearance. No need to be nit-picky about every little miniscule detail, but at least must be clean shaven, not be too scrubby and have yummy hot lips! Hahaha!

Probably some of u might be thinking, "Aiyoh, why she like angmoh type only ah? What's her problem, man?" Well, here's my problem with this: Singaporean chinese guys are totally clueless when it comes to romance. And don't put me in the same place as SPGs (Sarong Party Girl). I AM NOT AN SPG. I'm not anti-Asian dating. Just that I've had too many a bad experience with Singaporean chinese guys.

If a guy (ASIAN guy) makes a detour to ur room to ask u a question, ONE question, which was totally simple (and a little brainless, to be completely honest.), when he could have asked so many other people who live on the same floor who are in our class too, and ur room is like the furthest from his room, does that mean that he's sorta interested? (the guy also looks at u in class when he thinks u're not looking.) What's that mean?

Ok, I shouldn't think so much. Anyways, gotta go now. Got a ton of work to do.


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