Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ok, time to recap today's events and yesterday's, no thanks to Blogspot's fucked up system.

First and foremost, I would like to say that u guys jolly well be damn grateful that I'm even here typing this post in the first place. My finger fucking hurts like hell, and I'm still here typing away to bring a sparkle to ur dull grey lives. (oh, come on, can't u take a joke?) I cut my middle finger whilst I was washing my knife. Blood just came flowing out like anything. It's pretty deep. And because I had dishwashing soap on my hands, of course it had to flow onto the cut and it goddamn stings like hell! Oh wells. At least now, no one can blame me for flipping them off when my middle finger sticks out unintentionally. (cos of the plaster, it feels a little stiff.)

Let's start with yesterday. Basically, the entry that I wanted to write was about my Economics teacher, so here goes. She's Pakistani, I think, or Indian. Well, whatever it is, she talks funny. It's like her tongue is too long for her mouth, so she can't really pronounce 'S' words properly. Man, I'm such a meanie. Oh, hell. I've chocked up some good karma the past month or two, I think. A little meanness isn't gonna get me a one-way ticket to hell. She's pretty ok on the whole. Except she introduced herself like this: "I've been teaching at this school for the past 2 years already and it's great. Only it's getting boring now." Boy, what a glowing recommendation, huh? How the heck do u expect to gain the students' interest and liking with that kind of self-introductory speech? My god, what a moron.

Ok, now today. Hmm. What can I write about? Highlight of the day was cutting my finger of course. Ooh! Went for yoga after class. Damn funny. During meditation, this guy (the only guy) fell asleep, I think. And he was snoring so loudly. And one of the other girls actually giggled whilst the rest of us steadfastly tried to ignore the loud guttural noises and to breathe in and out steadily. Haha.

Well, that's it for now, I guess. Gotta go do my English homework. Ciao, y'all.


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