Saturday, April 08, 2006

life after death...

Where do we all go after we die? This is a question that has forever been intriguing me, haunting me. Do our souls leave this earth when our bodies fades? Or do they linger, wandering the lands until it is time for them to take physical form again?

Some believe in life after death. In some way, I do too. I think souls are like archives, with a ton of memories, the little scraps of life that they pick up along the way during their lifetime. I mean, I think that we all have past lives, just that we're not all that conscious to it. Have u ever found urself thinking of something totally irrelevant, absolutely not connected to ur own life when u daydream? Or when u have a really vivid dream that seems so real, like it really took place? All these could be those bits and pieces of your past life.

I asked a friend his opinion on the afterlife. Here's what he said:

By religious definition, our spirit goes to heaven when we die, and it remains there till the day of reckoning, when it's brought back to earth to be reunited with those it has left behind. I suppose the afterlife in heaven would consist of a perfect place, with no hurt, worry, guilt, sadness, hatred, jealousy. A true utopia, free of all the trappings of earth. On the other side of the coin, the afterlife that isn't in heaven... To me, hell can be whatever you choose it to be. It's a state of mind, as opposed to the fiery, burning place we all envision. I mean, it could be reliving a bad memory, facing a deep fear, etc. I also believe that how you live your life now, will reflect in your afterlife, because when it comes down to the wire, the one question you will ask yourself is "Did I do myself justice in my life? Did I live how I wanted to live?" If you weren't happy with your life, then your afterlife won't be much better.

Wow. Deep stuff, this. But like so many other things, right alongside religion, this is one of those ambiguous and controversial issues. No right, no wrong. Everyone is entitled to their own personal opinions. Until there is a foolproof method to find some answers, I guess we'll just have to continue questioning. To quote a friend, "It's like teaching an ant to use a cellphone. We will never understand. That is why there is religion, to make us get it in simpler terms."

I should end there but I just HAVE to write this.
I'm really so sorry. I bet I really made u disappointed. Up and then all the way down. I want u to know I feel the same way u feel too, but I'm afraid of what will happen if I do. I'm afraid I'll be left wanting more. Just go with the flow I guess. Sigh. This is just my darn luck. Just when the thing I've wanted more than anything in the world comes along, everything crashes down and I have to face the harsh reality of it all. Bloody fuck. Maybe we can apply the life after death theory here too. Hope died now, but maybe it'll be revived. Ah, what crap am I spouting. Heck it. I leave it all up to Fate. (I hate Fate, by the way. Makes me feel I'm not in control of my own life.) Shit. I hate this. How often do I get the chance? And now that it's here, I can't have it. Damn, damn, DAMN!!!!!


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