Sunday, March 26, 2006

my lists...

As promised, here are my two lists. Enjoy! (Who am I kidding? This is my worst post! I've got writer's block!)

10 Things I Hate
1. Being single
2. Cheating boy/girlfriends
3. Not having enough girlfriends to do 'girly' things with
4. The sucky weather in London
5. Not being able to live without makeup
6. Backstabbers (I see this in everyone's list of things they hate, so I figured I should include it in
my list too)
7. Underground muggers (the type that keep asking u how u study and borrow ur work to see
what mark u got)
8. Not having any drinking buddies to go pubbing/clubbing with
9. Watching people be sick after too much alcohol
10. Being sick after too much alcohol

10 Things I Love
1. Orlando Bloom (Don't ANYONE try to talk me out of this one.)
2. Shopping (Duh. I LOVE SHOPPING. Period.)
3. Lilies (Is that how u spell it? God, my English is going downhill.)
(I heard roses are for eternal love and lilies are for sweetness)
4. Pubbing/Clubbing/just drinks with friends
5. Starbucks Caramel Macchiato
6. The fact that I'll be spending the next 3-4 years in lovely ol' London
7. Being romanced
8. Parties
9. Loving someone with all my heart (ok, this hasn't happened in a very long time. But hopefully
I will one day.)
10. Long walks on the beach during sunset with that special someone (same as above)

See? This is the problem with having too much free time. You start to do really silly things, then u question ur own sanity. And THEN u start talking to urself/the four walls. And that, my dear friends, is the point when u realise that u have gone totally and completely insane with boredom.

Moral of the story here? Don't ever let urself succumb to the forceful pull of boredom. Strap urself into a straitjacket and practice trying to be Houdini.


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