Friday, April 07, 2006

SG... So Gross... or Sucky Greenery... or Singapore

Ok, finally I can post this entry.

I'm back! In dear old Singapore. It is sweltering hot and humid. I really hate the weather here. Makes my skin so darn sticky. A mosquito tried to bite me and actually got stuck on my hand. I kid u not. Bloody bugger couldn't fly off, try as he might. Since it wasn't an Aedes mosquito, I spent a good 5 minutes observing the stupid insect kicking its teensy legs as it tried frantically to dislodge its butt from my arm and found that its wings were glued firmly to my arm, before I gave it a good, hard, resounding, well-deserved slap, which put an end to it's bloodsucking days. Hmph! Too bad. Who asked u to land on my arm? Now all because of u I have a red spot on my arm.

Tried to surprise Mei Ying today. Needless to say, I failed. I give up on this whole "surprise" thing. It NEVER works out anyway. Haha. But I still spent a really good afternoon with my dear bestie! (V-O-U-C-H-E-R, anyone?) Hahaha! Happy birthday to Meixi, by the way! Glad u liked the earrings!

Went back to Mugger JC on Monday to collect my Chinese A Level results, get the bloody worthless yearbook that I paid a hefty $17.50 for, and to catch up with The Happy Club!

The first one was a damn waste of my time. My result slip might as well be used to wipe my ass or be burned. Only a lousy C5. What the hell. All that work done for absolutely nothing. And that bloody ass teacher who gave me my result slip. Of what consequence is it to u if I wanna get my result slip? And so what if I wanna collect it even though I'm studying in UK now? Ask so many questions for what? You also not my teacher anymore what. Bitch.

The second one turned out to be not so worthless after all. Packaging was nice and design was pretty good. Content sucked, as usual, like all yearbooks.

The third one was pretty darn good. The looks on their faces!

"What u doing here?! OMG!!!"

Hahaha. Only Cherri knew. Cos I wanted to surprise them, then I didn't know their timetable. So I had to ask Cherri. Some surprise I planned, huh? Lol.

Then I headed to ECP Starbucks to meet up with Ed, to catch up on old times. Had fun! Man, this guy is hilarious! U and ur russel peters man. (Tap Some Bong! Hahaha!) Nic came later. Nice seeing him. Funny guy.

On Tuesday, Mom had her usual monthly dinner talk at The Copthorne, so the rest of the family had to eat KFC with me. (I got my way cos I've been away for so long. Hahaha!) Plus I haven't had KFC in ages! (The nearest KFC to my college in UK is 4 bloody bus stops away. So there u go.) Lovely! Now I think of the amount of fats clogging up my arteries now, I start having regrets. And in case any KFC people read this, the counter girl is bloody effing rude. Stupid minah. Tell her to brush up on her customer service skills. And a smile requires less effort than a frown, missy.

Wednesday was spent doing absolutely nothing. (Clearing my room is considered nothing. Unless u find dust bunnies mildly interesting, then I have nothing to say.)

Was supposed to have dinner with Nic today. But thanks to darling Mummy (as usual), I had to cancel on him. Damn her. Really, really damn her. She's a dear and all, and I'm eternally grateful that she sent me abroad to study, but seriously, she does no help whatsoever in my social life.

Ok, my blog entries are getting more and more mindless. Must come up with more interesting things to write.

I want to go shopping! Anyone know any good places with high quality stuff at dirt cheap prices?


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