Wednesday, May 10, 2006


This is so sad. It's a gorgeous day out and I have absolutely no one to hang out with outside. Back in Singapore, if I minus out my parents and I was as free as I am over here, I could just call up a good friend and head over to a cafe or coffee bar or the beach or just sit out in the park for good times. Here? Bloody hell no one. At least no one I like very much. I can't ask someone I like, cos that would be way too strange.

I'm telling u, my friends are such weirdos. How can they not love Nature and the glorious fresh air and basking in the warm sunshine? How can they like staying indoors, cooped up in a teeny, smelly room with nothing but four walls closing in on u?

Man, oh man, I can't wait to go to university. At least I can find new, real friends there. People here are so freakin' fake. Mannequins, the lot of them.


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