Thursday, May 04, 2006

of mice and macho men...

I think the black stormy cloud of depression and misery is finally clearing up a little bit. It's been a tough week for me, a constant rollercoaster of emotions. Maybe it's PMS?

Firstly, the weather in London today was gorgeous! It was so perfect that I didn't even have to wear a jacket. It was warm and windy, the sun shining brightly. 24 degrees, I saw the weather forecast. It was great, so my friend and I decided to take a walk. (And I took the opportunity to snap more photos for u guys! See, I'm so nice! Haha.)
This is a little park across the River Thames from Greenwich Village.
The Old Royal Naval College from across the river.
There's a quaint little cafe there in that park. Sweet!
Hye Jung. The Cutty Sark behind her.
Trigger happy. This building leads to the tunnel under the river to cross to the other bank.
It's same as the other one, but I just wanted to take a picture with people lounging on the park benches.
Spring truly has arrived!
The locals must have thought I was a mad tourist. (I did it for the benefit of u guys ok! Be thankful!)
The not-so-sleepy town of Greenwich. (U can see Starbucks at the corner.)
This is one of my favourite pubs in Greenwich Village. It gets crowded really early. But the drinks and dessert are superb!

After our walk, we went to Marks and Spencer where I finally managed to buy those to-die-for brownies! They're so popular that they're almost always sold out really fast.
Isn't it beautiful? Just look at the layers of chocolate. Mm-mm!
And yet, here I am faithfully blogging for u guys, with the delectable, sinful dessert sitting next to my left hand. (It's hard to eat and type at the same time.) U guys better be grateful! Man, am I gonna have a chocolate high later or what! There's 5 more in the box! Hahaha!
Anyways, I witnessed something today that has confirmed my fears for the men (mostly Chinese) in Singapore. As we were walking back to school, we passed by one of the most popular and crowded pubs in town, the Clock Tower. There was this group of guys sitting outside, enjoying the sun and a couple of beers, probably after work. Well, there were 2 girls with them, obviously girlfriends of 2 of the guys. Really pretty, hot girls. Anyway, the girls were leaving and after their farewells (which took considerably long, judging from the way they were swapping saliva.), the girls crossed the road (jaywalked actually, but here no one freakin' gives a damn.) in front of a blue sedan (there was the usual conjestion, so traffic was crawling.). And I noticed the guys inside (looked kinda hooliganish kind of guys) kept staring at the girls and they actually began hooting and whistling at the girls. So the guys sitting at the pub suddenly yelled, "Stop starin' at my girlfriend! 'ey u there! Stop starin' at my girlfriend!" By then we'd already walked past already, but I did hear some exchange of language so foul that it can't be posted up here.
Now, how many guys in Lion City would do that? Probably if they caught a guy staring at their girl, they'd just:
1. shrug it off cos they honestly couldn't care less
2. stroke their ego, with the thought, "my girl's hot, and she's with me, not him."
or 3. think, "I don't wanna cause trouble. He's like bigger size than me. Anyway, he only look look only mah. So it's ok la."
Am I right? Maybe I'm stereotyping. But from experience and observations, guys back home would just keep back in their shell and just turn a blind eye. So guys, next time some random guy is ogling ur girl, yell at the fella. It's more dangerous to start a fight over here in UK, but see, the guys here ain't chicken. Ur girl will love u even more, I'm sure. U'll be macho man in her eyes. :)


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