Sunday, May 07, 2006

Today was great! The first time for lots of things! Not just for me too! So it's like a stepping stone for lots of people! I was really happy and into things for a first time today. Finally, I'm outta my funk and it feels so great. Things were going great between someone and me too! :)

Today was Faik's birthday, so we celebrated it for him in the typical college student fashion: drink till u're pissed! Haha! It was great! (Forgive me for this post if u see things typed out that shouldn't be there. I'm a little woozy as I'm typing this. Even though I've slept 2 hours off the alcohol already. :p)

I slept really late last night again and we were supposed to go to the supermarket to get stuff for the party at 3pm. Guess what time I woke up. 2.20pm. Good, huh. My god, I was a tornado! I rushed for my shower, makeup, everything! It was nuts!

We (Yusuke, me, Liwen, Hye Jung, Sun, Zu Hua and Adil) went to Tesco, where we picked up party stuff and groceries for ourselves. We spent over 2 hours there just picking the stuff. Haha!
Anyways, Yusuke, me and Liwen went to collect Faik for his party at about 5.30pm. We wanted the party to be a surprise, so we told the birthday boy that he was going to a Math class. Haha! And he believed us! Hahaha!

Well, anyways, the plan went well, and he didn't smell a rat and hence, the party started! My god, I'm so drunk now. Sigh. Satisfaction.

The birthday boy and I!
Faik's the big Two-Oh! Happy Birthday, big boy!
Blowing the candles!
Lavinia, Sophy and I!
The boys! All a little drunk on Corona beer already!
Sun! He's the eldest in our class.
The Vietnamese guys and I. (Viet Anh, behind, is a little drunk, I think. :p)
The boys again.
Suddenly everyone wanted to take photos. Haha!
Single, girls! (I think. :p)
Guan, have u tried absinthe? If u haven't, then... HAHAHA!!! I BEAT U MAN! Haha. Just kidding. God, it is superb! I've got pictures to prove it! Haha!
Adil preparing the drink. (He's like an expert on making drinks.)
See? Haha!
It is fucking strong.
Smoke the fumes, baby!
High already. (I had 5 shots of absinthe.)

Ok. I shall post more pictures of the crazy party tomorrow. Right now, I need to crash. I'm dizzy. Ciao!


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