Monday, June 12, 2006

The Story Of A Girl Called L

Just indulge me as I rant a little. It's been ages since I've done that, seeing as how I've been really happy the past week. But today, something happened that made me shocked, stunned, pissed off and FUCKING MAD. And because this is MY blog, let's just assume I'm right about the whole thing.

First off...


Ahem. Now that THAT'S outta my system, let's begin.

There's this girl that's been pissing me off. No, not that girl that I disliked at first. I still don't like her that much, but now another one. Now this girl, let's just call her L.

Now L's been going through a really tough time, missing home and her family. Perfectly understandable, seeing as how I had that lag in my spirit during a certain period too.

Then all of sudden, one fine day, L breaks down in class, mascara streaming down her face. I felt really sorry for her, and being the fucking soft hearted person I am, I went to her and asked her if everything was ok. (ME & MY FUCKING BIG-ASS MOUTH.)

Tears came. More mascara went. L confided in me that she couldn't cope with the stress (really? there's stress over here?!) of the work and that everything was just piling up and that she wanted to quit school. Obviously, I was supposed to tell her, "No, come on, just stick it out! It's only for a couple months more!" So I did. And I asked her the reason why she couldn't cope.

It's a real winner, her reason is.

She bawled that she did not listen in class, nor did she attempt to do her homework in her room and all she did was watch pplive (some online tv thing).


So I said, "Look, now that u know that's the problem, u should work hard in your room." L nodded and solemnly promised me that day that she would do her work properly and diligently. And so that was that.

The very next day, I checked in with her again to see how she was doing with her "incredibly HUGE mountain of work". "Oh no! Yesterday pplive came out with a new drama and I was watching it the whole time and I didn't do anything!"

Now, how the fuck do u expect me actually wanna help her? It's like she's just taking advantage of me! NO FUCKING WAY I'M GONNA LET THAT HAPPEN.

Now, L started to cling to me endlessly. (So u good hearted people out there, listen up. This is what u get when u're nice to people.) I really don't mind helping people out. But I REALLY LOATHE it when these people are fucking bloodsuckers, who when u give them an inch, they take whatever the hell they want.

L starts asking me for my opinion on everything. EVERYTHING. Does her essay look ok? Does her IT database look fine? Ok, I can take it.


I was happily studying with a certain someone and we paused for dinner. He went off to the cafeteria. L called me with a pitiful plea for help. I was trying to distance myself from her, so I told her I may not be able to help her. She insulted me in chinese that I only helped people that I liked and that I wouldn't even help a friend. WHAT THE FUCK.

So I decided, what the hell, fine I'll fucking help u. So I SACRIFICED MY DINNERTIME TO FUCKING TEACH HER. I should be hailed "Saint Cheryl".

I helped her. Basically, this meant that I did all the fucking dirty work whilst she just sat there and nodded her stupid ass head like a Jack-In-The -Box.

I really hate to share my hard-earned knowledge with people who don't deserve it.

Anyways, she kinda redeemed herself by going with me to the shop across the street. (I ran out of food in my room.)

Like I said, give her an inch, and she'll grab whatever she wants.

So we return to the residence and we see him. Now she knows I had planned to study with him in his room. We take the lift up all together back to our rooms. Now I had already finished helping her with the essay plans. So I say to her in Chinese when the lift stops on her floor, "Bye." Then she looks at me (incredulously, no less!) and says in Chinese, "What, so we're finished?" And I'm thinking, EH, WHAT THE FUCK LA, I HELP U SO MUCH ALREADY LA. GET THE FUCK OUT AND FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE. But instead, I say, "Oh, yeah. I already finished explaining to u."

Then that fucking bitch starts talking in English! What a fucking lowdown trick! So he, being the gentleman he is, says, "U can join us if u want." She perks up a little, then takes a look at my face, which by this point of time was already black as thunder, and says, "Oh, no." and flounces out the lift.

To emphasize, BITCH.

So I'm happily back in his room studying, and I had no dinner right? So he was so nice to cook me some curry, which was delicious. About 2 hours in, my perfect dream of a night was shattered by my Jimmy Eat World ringtone.

FUCK. It's L! Fucking run for the hills!

But no. I pick up the damn phone.

"Hey can u help me with some stuff? I really don't understand!" she wails into my ear.

Hell, do it urself, u bitch. Who asked u not to pay attention in class? Serves u fucking right.

"Oh sure! What's up?" I say in a creepily chirpy voice which I'm positively sure is not actually mine.

"I come up and ask u now ok?"

Before I can answer, she hangs up. In my mind, my jaw is hanging wide open and a vein in throbbing in the temple of my head.


So she comes. And first thing she asks me is, "Hey are u still studying in his room?"

And I say, Hell yeah!

She gives me this weird look. The next part is FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE.

She flopped her way in and sat down! I figure, ok, u're gonna ask ur fucking questions and then vamoose.


She's still fucking sitting in the room on her fat ass. And I've been getting fucking pissed off by the minute.

Not only is she flirting with him (SO OBVIOUSLY!), she keeps interrupting my revision every few minutes with some inane question that she would evidently be able to answer had she actually read the fucking notes our teacher gave us.

I wanna stab my eyes out. Everytime I see her flirting with him, making those fucking cutesy eyes at him. ARGH.

Ok. I'm spent. Now back to more revision.

More later.


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