Friday, September 01, 2006

More to write when I'm back

I always seem to have stuff to write about when I'm back home. And it's always some story of pain, hurt and anger. Funny, innit?

Last night was when the story unfurled. Let's see now. Main characters? My mom (as usual), me, my brother and my dad.

Everything nowadays will somehow or other trigger something in my mom. She just goes off on any darn thing, no matter how little. And once the fuse is lit, there ain't no stopping the nuclear explosion.

This time, it was a pile of unkept dishes that set her off. For the next 20 minutes, she delighted herself in screaming about ingrates and lazy bums. When we went to deal with the problem (the dishes), she exclaimed that she'd kept them already.

WHAT THE FUCK?! Then scream so much for what?

Then she went back to watching her stupid Korean dramas, giving us back peace and quiet.

But as with all things in life, this momentary lull was short-lived.

In an hour or two, she started shouting again. Now, it was over my room. By the third sentence, I'd already tuned out.

Something like this:

What mom said: Look at this mess! U're such an irresponsible person! I can just imagine ur pig-sty of a room in London!

What I heard: BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. Yak yak yak.

Anyways, she went on to say more hurtful and untrue things.

For example, if your mother were to say, "I'm ashamed of you!!!" after u returned home with brilliant results and top of the class to boot, would you not feel hurt and belittled?

Enough said then.

Anyways, I've just returned from a fun night out with Nic, Meiying and Biondi. Yummy dinner at some quiet little Japanese restaurant and then drinks at Daybed Bar (or Club. I forgot which.) But it was fun still. Later we went to disturb Guan, who's working at Borders Bistro. Then my darling parents decided to call and scream at me to get, and I quote, "my lazy bum home this instant."

Next week, an entire week on vacation in Korea and Hong Kong with my family.

Pure torture. It's like when someone rips ur fingernails off one by one. Slow and painful.


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