Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Evil Day

Exams are just around the corner and I'm tired, and I know I promised to blog about that Nickelback music video, but today's post is such a tempting subject to write about.

Some say today is supposed to be Judgement Day for us. Well, seeing as how the earth didn't split apart and swallow us whole, and I am warm and contented with fried chicken and chocolate brownies swimming gleefully in my tummy, I'd say Judgement Day's passed us over.

Well, as u all know, today is the 6th of June, 2006. This effectively translates numerically into: 06/06/06. We'll never get this day again. And I'm glad I can say that I lived in the time of the day that had the devil's number.

Take out the zeros and what'dya get?



The Number of the Beast. Apparently, this number is mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. And so I got out my faithful little bible and flipped to Revalations 13:16-18. And it's fucking true!

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

Fucking scary man. I felt the hairs on the crook of my neck stand when I read those words.
Supposedly, today is supposed to be the birth of the Antichrist. Hell, I'm no believer, but it does get a tad creepy, especially with this new movie that opens today.

The Omen.

Man, horror movies with little kids in them are the best and the worse. Best cos they're effective to their name. Really horrifically frightening. Worse cos they scare me to hell. Metaphorically speaking. I am in no particular hurry to go on a permanent holiday in the devil's kingdom.

The kid acting in this remake of the 1976 movie is super scary. Damn, the makeup team is superb. But it's not just that. It's the kid's eyes. The way they look at u. Shivers run down my spine. And they had to put that damn poster up on the noticeboard in school where I walk past everytime. I swear, the eyes of that kid follow u. Ok, fine, I'm exaggerating.

I'm such a wuss. I'm so curious about this movie but I'm scared to go watch it. What the fuck, right?

It doesn't help that the story of the movie is set in a place near London either.

Anyways, I did summon up the courage to Google it on the Internet and I watched a couple of the clips. Scary shit, man. Julia Stiles acts as the Anti-Christ's mother. There was one scene where they showed the Anti-Christ, supposedly in his true form, garbed in a blood-red cloak and the face is like a skeleton's, only more ghastly. It looked kinda familiar.

Oh wait, I remember where I've seen that face before.

Scary Movie.

Only that ghoul wore a black cloak instead of a scarlet one.

It's almost hilarious.

Well, only a few more hours before "the evil day", as my friend put it so eloquently, is over. Nothing happened much actually. I mean, for a supposedly "evil" day, it's been pretty mild. Unless u count my English teacher going all berserk on us, I'd say today's been pretty much the same as the rest of the days. Except the weather got warmer today. Oh no! It's the sign that the Devil's around! Everybody run for the nearest church! Come to think of it, the animals I saw today when I walked to Greenwich Village in the evening to pick up some groceries at Marks and Spencer did seem a little sketchy. Huh.

I'm not afraid.

My bible's just happens to be sitting near me. That's all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah the mad ramblings of a Singaporean in England... What a combo lol...

I woke up at 6am just to wait for 6:06:06am... it came and went... and I felt no different... So I agree with you, what's all the hype about? Sheesh... Damn conspiracy theorist bastards...

Eh, quickly blog about the Nickelback vid lah... I wanna see what my blog fodder has yielded as fruit this time... :P


11:09 AM  

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