Monday, August 28, 2006


Things have been happening real fast. This is especially the case when u're not around to witness the changes. Having been away from home for 5 months, people start to change. Recently, someone really close to me came out about being gay. For this, I am immensely proud. It takes guts to come clean. (Although it could very well just be a phase, well, we're just gonna have to wait and see.)

I'm sorely disappointed and unhappy with something someone said the other day. Luckily, only I was there to hear those disgusting words.

We were talking, and somehow, the conversation turned to homosexuals. Now, don't get me wrong. I have no particular prejudice against gays or lesbians. In my humble opinion, they're just normal people born in a certain way that is slightly different, in that they choose to love or be with people of the same sex. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. But the person I was with is like a staunch Catholic (no offence to any Catholics who are ok with gay people), who believes that homosexuals are unnatural occurences. I was really upset. I so much wanted to spill out the secret I was carrying, but since it wasn't my secret to tell, it was all I could do to bite my tongue and keep quiet.

Even when that person spoke the words that would hurt the other person in question ALOT.

"They're freaks!"

My mind was in turmoil. How could she say that?!

So I asked, what if it were a friend? A really close friend? And that person replied, well then u stay far far away from that person. Distance urself.

I was so mad, I actually clenched my fist. I didn't realise how tightly I'd clenched it, until my palm started to hurt from my fingernails digging into my flesh.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Yearning Hearts

Home is where the heart is.

Not true. I'm home, but my heart's yearning for the UK. Dreary, dirty, disgusting UK. Don't get me wrong, it's great to be home, but I miss London so much. I miss the weather, the place, the people.

Aside from that, I've just been catching up with my family and sleeping off the jet lag. I haven't even met up with any of my friends yet.

Well, more another day. I've got a splitting headache.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Coming Home

Tomorrow's the day! Can't wait! Gonna go home!

Today was spent running around, dealing with my flight's check-in stuff, my results, my packing, my buying presents for people. And of course, meeting up with friends to say goodbye, some because they're going off today, some because I'm leaving tomorrow.

Sadly, I only managed to accomplish 3 of the above 5 tasks.

Presents are so hard to buy! I don't have a clue as to what people would want! Did manage to get something for my family though. So, sorry to anyone else! Trust me, it ain't intentional! It's just that stuff in London is uber expensive. And plus, I didn't get my family anything the last time.

Firstly, went out for lunch with Yusuke, Ayuko, Aki and Yukari at an authentic Italian restaurant for lunch. After that, they wanted to go down to Central London, but I didn't, so I went shopping around by myself. Didn't buy much. Had an ice-cream cone at Ben & Jerry's, then headed back. Damn rain decided to pelt me on the way back, and stopped the minute I reached residence. Fucking hell.
Anyways. Went down around 6.30pm to say goodbye to Yusuke. (Who, by the way, may be coming to Singapore!) Well, photo now then.
Yusuke, me and Hye Jung.
Then, had dinner with Hye Jung and Chung at the same Thai restuarant. Trigger happy!
Me and Chung.
Hye Jung and I.
I like the ambience of the restaurant.
More photos another time. I still have to take a shower and then pack the remaining crap into my luggages. I have to get up early too. Gotta move out of my room by 10am. Bloody hell.
See u guys when I get back then!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Mixed Signals

Yesterday, FJ2 finally had their long-awaited class dinner, or what we called a graduation celebration. Our Math and IT teacher, Alp Aslan, came along too. We went to a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown, Piccadilly Circus, for a yummy filling dinner. After that we went to a pub opposite St. Paul's Cathedral, Founders Arms. And then, Yusuke, Dolly and I went to meet Adale, Yukari and guys at a shisha cafe. After that, we went to Funky Buddha, a club near Green Park. Then we went to Adale's hotel room before heading back to residence. Guess what time we reached home? 7 am! I've never been out the whole entire night before. Plus it was fucking freezing!

Loads of pics! (Unfortunately, my camera's battery decided to die on me right after the the pub, so I have to get the clubbing photos from my other friends.)

But first, the pictures from my shopping trip with the girls on Monday!

Little Sophie and I at Canary Wharf, the business district in London. (I wanna work here one day!)
Me, Liwen, Annie and little Sophy at Canary Wharf at sunset.
Next come photos of the class dinner.
Liwen, Lavinia, Dolly and Aslan.
Viet Anh and Chung. LOL.
Shu Rong, Sophy and Hye Jung.
A statue of Shakespeare in Leicester Square.
Trafalgar Square.
Me standing outside the National Portrait Gallery.
The fountain in Trafalgar Square.
My teacher Aslan and I.
FJ2 gals!
London Eye.
After that we saw this beautiful golden carousel as we walked along the River Thames to the pub. Never having been on one ever before, we decided to go for a round. It was truly beautiful. Not to mention romantic! All those movies u watch, people fall in love at the carousels. Sigh. Anyways, it did bring the kid out in me also. Haha! A couple pictures now.
Adil and his girlfriend Sulta.
Look at that pile of papers. They're actually music scores. The instrument that plays the plinky-plunky carousel music is really old!
The instrument that plays the music. (Everytime I hear the music it reminds me of clowns and balloons and cotton candy. Lol.)
Liwen, Shu Rong and Sophy outside the pub Founders Arms.
A very, very shaky photo of St. Paul's Cathedral from across the River Thames. (It's the only one of the place I've got. Hopefully I'll be able to get a better one.)
Yusuke and I. (Whoever (I forgot who) took this photo must have shaky hands.) (See my beret? Cute, right? Haha!)
Well, that's all the pictures there is for now. I'll post up more once I get them from my friends.
Went out for dinner just now with Hye Jung and met Chung and Sophy along the way. So we went to watch The Breakup, starring Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn. Good movie, only the ending was kinda unexpected, but different from most of ur generic rom-coms with the same predictable plots. Had dinner at Kum Luang, a Thai restaurant. Not bad! But prices were a little on the steep side.
It's bloody late now, and I haven't finished packing.
It's hard to get u off my mind. It's even harder when there are mixed signals.

Monday, August 14, 2006

...And let the Good Times Roll...


My macroeconomics exam went pretty well, I think, considering how much I crammed into my brain in the last minute.

After the exam, I went to Central London (yet again!) for a girly afternoon of shopping and delirious giggling. Oh man, I've blown quite alot of cash again! My dad is absolutely gonna slaughter me!

Here are my buys:

-Khaki tee with foil design from Dorothy Perkins
-Tan skirt from Mango
-Pink beret from Accessorize
-Lovely new undies from Topshop

I almost bought a pair of Paris Hilton looking sunglasses from Accessorize! They looked so gorgeous! But at 12 pounds, it was a little steep and I was rather unwilling to part with my money.

We had a delicious lunch at the foodcourt at Selfridges. Yummy! I had a stir-fried prawns with garlic and pepper sauce with steamed rice. Man, it's been a long time since I had a good meal! Absolutely satisfying!

London transport is efficient (although at times I would love to scream at whoever's in charge of transport in London!). We made it home in less than an hour. The girls bought a dinner of Subway sandwich. Haha! I'm still full from our late lunch, so I'm skipping dinner.

We took a couple of shots at Canary Wharf, but I'm kinda lazy to get it out of my camera now, so watch out for them on the next post!

Ok, I'm off to parade in front of the mirror with my new buys! Ciao!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The White Rabbit

I feel lousy, lousy, lousy!

I've only gone through half of my notes, perhaps even less than half! DAMN IT!!!

I absolutely cannot do bad for this paper! Whatever it is I must at least get 70%!

Damn, that sentence just made me out to be the biggest loser nerd of all eternity.

Now I'm in the beginning throes of panic. Soon, death will come, quick and sudden. Stealthy as a cat thief.

As u can tell, stress and I don't get along too well.

Ok, calm down, calm down. I'll just have my shower, read through my macroeconomics notes again, drink my Brands Chicken Essence and then hit the pillows.

Oh fucking hell, it's already 1.30am!

I feel like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, with his golden pocketwatch.

"I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!!!"

Friday, August 11, 2006

Resting on my laurels

1 down, 1 to go.

Finally! One more damning exam to study for and torturously sit through, and then the fun can begin!

Accounts exam went spectacularly today. I hope I get an excellent grade for it! Boy, I'm such a geek.

After the exam, I walked down to Greenwich Village with Viet Anh to get my passport photos taken. Not bad, if I do say so myself. :)

Because I think I did fairly well in my exam today, I decided to give myself an early reward. So I bought my favourite perfume, the one I've been pining after since February. And that's none other than Burberry London! It was like destiny just meant for me to get it! I was feeling in a really good mood, (u would too, if u'd just gone through a moderately tough paper and come out feeling happy about it) and plus, it was on sale! It was just meant to be!

I really hate it when this kinda crap happens. I mean, it's bad enough that he likes her. Now, I like her too. I mean, she's such a sweetie! You'd have to have a heart of stone not to like her. She's pretty, she's nice, she's hot. I can see why he likes her. They're so obviously made for each other. She's gorgeous, he's ridiculously cute. I mean, he once tugged on my heartstrings. (Not that he still doesn't.) Well, I've come clean about my feelings and it didn't work out. But it still sucks knowing that he's got feelings for someone else. ARGH! I've seriously got to get my mind off rubbish like this.

Other than that, I've basically been slacking and lazing around the whole day. I promise, tomorrow! Tomorrow I'll get my lazy derriere to work!

You know the old saying "Never rest on your laurels"? Well, for now, I think I'll just rest a little on them. Who knows? Maybe in an hour or so, I'll feel that my laurels aren't that comfy and get up.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Love Complications

I got back my mock Accounts exam results! 76%! If I get this grade in the actual exam this Friday, I will be more than delighted.

National Day in Singapore today! Happy 41st Birthday Singapore!

I'm supposed to be studying my Accounts. I must at least get the accounting concepts down by today. Tomorrow will be for reviewing the concepts and the structures of drawing up the different accounts. Sigh.

My weekend will be so unglam. Studying for the bloody Macroeconomics exam on Monday isn't exactly my idea of fun.

What would u do if u found out someone u thought was ur close friend did something and didn't trust u enough to tell u about it, and u had to find out about it through someone else?

What would u do if ur friend suddenly told u, apparently alot of people in school have crushes on u?

What would u do if the guy u liked hooked up with a girl u only just met, but am becoming really good friends with her?

This is such a Brooke-Peyton-Lucas triangle thing. I'm such a lameass.

"The boy I love protected the girl I love. That's the girl that he loves too."
-Brooke Davis-

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Desperados and 11 days counting

Went to Desperados yesterday for drinks and supper with Adale, Yusuke and gang. So fun! Man, I'm really gonna miss everybody so much when I go home. 11 days more, by the way! :)

Well, anyways. Photos of yesterday first!

Dolly and I.
Yusuke, Adale, some guy from Syria and Hamzal.
Me and Yusuke.
Hamzal and Adale.
Hamzal and Dolly.
The dancefloor full of gyrating bodies.
Helena and Hamid. (This couple is so sweet! She's Russian, he's from Iran. But totally in love with each other. It's true love. U can tell when u see them together. Makes me wanna slit my wrists though.)
Me and Adale.
Me and Yukari. (She's pretty, huh? She's a Japanese girl I just met yesterday only, but we got along really well, and she's really sweet.)
Yukari and Dolly.
Me and Faik at Manan's place.
Faik, Zeki, Manan and Dolly.
Faik, Zeki and Manan.
Faik and Yusuke. I have no idea what these two bozos are doing.
Zeki and Yusuke.
Zeki, Faik and Yusuke.
Today, I had a mock Accounts exam. I hope I get a good score for it. I think I did ok. Well, we'll know on Wednesday. English presentation's finally over! Not to brag or anything, but I think I was the best in class. Hehe.
Can't wait for Friday to come. Finish up the Accounts exam, then just the weekend to study for my Economics exam on Monday, packing my stuff for storage on Tuesday and Wednesday, arrange for the collection on Thursday, and then I can look forward to shopping and then going home!
Ooh, dinner next Tueday with the class and my Math and IT teacher Aslan. Yay!
Ok, I have to go do my stupid English essay now. I MUST complete it by tomorrow, and then get it printed by Wednesday to have it handed in on Thursday. Lots to do! Ciao for now!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

List... and more...

Ok, I'm gonna do that stupid list that Kelvin (my little brother) made me do, only because I love him so much! Haha. It's just for fun. And cos I'm damn bored now.

1. I have this weird ritual when I brush my teeth. 20 times brushing downwards on the front, the right, then the left. Ditto for the bottom, only brushing upwards. Then brushing the molars for 5 seconds each side, down first, then up. (So sue me. I want my teeth to be clean.)

2. I have serious insomnia. I can go without sleep for 2 days on end.

3. I always check people out when I first meet them. For girls, it's feet. For guys, it's the butt. (BE WARNED PEOPLE! Muahahaha!)

4. I have this funny habit of licking the sides of my mouth. It's just something I do subconsciously, I think.

5. I like to listen to songs or watch movies that I like back to back until I get sick of them.

6. I like to carry all my shopping on my right arm, according to the order I went to each shop. (i.e. the bag I bought at the first store will be nearest to my body) It's this weird thing where I like people to see the stores I buy from. The most expensive bag will usually be on the outermost. (Fuck. I'm so materialistic.)


Best Friend : Bestie Tan Mei Ying (Hell, I give up ever thinking of a nickname for u.)

Crush: Some guy named Kenny in nursery school. (My god, I was an early developer huh!)

Movie: Bambi? On one of those lousy quality VHS video tapes. I remember the picture jumps.

Lie: Hmm. I remember this one. Haha. I got in trouble for it. I lied about eating a slice of cheese. (I hated cheese at that time, and my mom found out that I hadn't eaten it after all, cos she checked the rubbish bin. I made the fatal mistake of saying that I'd eaten it and thrown the plastic wrapper in the bin when my mom had only just taken out the trash.)


Cigarettes: I don't smoke. I did get someone to quit though. Hehe.

Drink: Water. Took an aspirin for my migraine.

Ride: One of London's smelly red double-deckers.

Movie: (watched at home) : Troy.
(watched in cinema) : Pirates of The Carribean: Dead Man's Chest

Phone: Sophy

CD: I don't buy CDs. I steal them from my brother.

Have you ever...

Dated one of your best friends: Nope.

Been Arrested: Nope.

Skinny-dipped: Nope. It's on my "Things to do before I die" list, though. :)

Been on TV?: Uh, maybe? Who knows?

Missed someone ya don't know: Ok, stupid question.


4 Things you did today: Put on makeup. Had a bowl of cereal before heading out. Had an iced Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks during a break in shopping in Central London. Practiced my presentation speech on racial discrimination.

4 sounds you can hear at this very moment: The Pussycat Dolls “Buttons”. My coughing. Irritants outside in the reception area. My desk chair creaking when I lean back.

Ok, done. I'm gonna be a good soul, and not sabotage anyone. Build up my karmic aura. And also because I can't think of 6 people to sabotage.

Instead, I shall upload photos of my day out in Central London.

The view outside the Starbucks on Bond Street.
Katie. I've turned yet another person into a lover of Starbucks' iced Caramel Macchiato.
Katie and I resting at Starbucks.
The one and only MOI!
The coffee-aroma filled Starbucks.
Interesting, huh? It's some woman dressed up to look like a sculpture.
The streets of Covent Garden are filled with buskers like this metallic gladiator.
There was this beautiful golden carousel. (Bloody people walked in front just as I snapped the picture. Idiots.)
Apple Market in Covent Garden. Like Singapore's Arab Street. Flea market. Full of junk. I took this picture whilst I was waiting for Katie to finish buying ridiculously priced chocolates at Thortons.
Taken in the middle of the street in Covent Garden.
And now, my buys! Worry not, all sale items only. Haha!
- Brown and pink tee with a bronze "Flirt" logo from Dorothy Perkins
- Black tee with red words "Pretty in Punk", also from Dorothy Perkins
- Grey cropped jacket from River Island
- Denim miniskirt from Mango
Don't you think this bag looks so cute? I think I like the bag more than what's inside. (Of course not!)
And at long last, the long-awaited photo from the boat party.
Finally my friend sent me the photo we took at the boat party. London Eye behind us!
And I'm spent. I'm gonna call it a day and go crash now. Tomorrow, work, work, work! Must!